Narration ইংরেজী ব্যকরণের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ। মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক সকল শ্রেণীর পরীক্ষায় ও বিভিন্ন চাকুরী পরীক্ষায় Narration থেকে প্রশ্ন আসে। আপনারা যাতে সহজেই Narration আয়ত্ব করতে পারেন এজন্য আমরা এ অংশে Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছি।
Narration item টি তে ভাল দক্ষতা অর্জনের জন্য শিক্ষার্থীকে নিচের বিষয়গুলোর ওপর স্পষ্ট ধারনা থাকতে হবে:
- Person
- 5 kinds of sentences (Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Operative, Exclamatory)
- Tense
Narration: বক্তা যা বলে তাই উক্তি বা Narration
Narration এর প্রকারভেদ: দুই প্রকার যথা: ১। Direct Narration (প্রত্যক্ষ উক্তি)
২। Indirect Narration (পরোক্ষ উক্তি)
Direct Narration: যখন কোনো ব্যাক্তি অন্যের ভাষাকে হুবহু বলেন বা প্রকাশ করে তখন তাকে Direct Narration বলে।
উদাহরন: Mamun said, “I will go home today”
Indirect Narration: যখন কোন ব্যক্তি অনের বাষাকে নিজের মত করে বলে বা প্রকাশ করে তখন তাকে Indirect Narration: বলে।
উদাহরণ: Mamun said that he would go home that day.
নিচের Sentence টি লক্ষ্য কর
- Maruf Said to me “I did it last night”
- এখানে Maruf হল Speaker
- Said to হল Reporting verb
- me হল Listener
- “..” হল Inverted comma
- “I did it last night” হল Reported speech
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
Narration এর কয়েকটি মৌলিক তথ্য নিচে দেয়া হল:
একটি Direct Narration এর প্রধান দুটি অংশ যথা- ১. Reporting Verb ২. Reported Speech
১. Reporting verb: যে verb টি ব্যবহার করে বক্তার বক্তব্য প্রকাশ করে তাকে Reporting verb বলে।
২. Reported speech: Inverted comma এর মধ্যে যে বাক্যটি থাকে তাকে Reported Speech বলে।
→এছাড়া মনে রাখতে হবে- Reporting verb এর আগে যে পদটি ব্যবহার করা হয় তা Reporting verb এর Subject ও Reporting verb এর পরে যদি কোন পদ থাকে, তাকে Reporting verb এর Object বলে।
উদাহরন: Nuzat said to Diba, “ I shall not go to school.”
এখানে Nuzat হলো Reporting verb এর Subject আর Diba হলো Reporting verb এর Object ।
Reporting verb
Said পরিবর্তিত হবে
Assertive | said/told |
Interrogative | asked |
Imperative | requested, advised, ordered, commanded, forbade, begged, proposed. |
Optative | wished. |
Exclamatory | exclaimed with joy/sorrow/wonder |
বিভিন্ন Sentence এর Reporting verb এর পরিবর্তনগুলো নিম্নে দেয়া হল:
Example: Direct: He said, “ I write a letter”
Indirect: He said that he wrote
Direct: He said to me, “ I have done my duty ”
Indirect: He told me that lie had a – or. He said to me that he had done his duty.
Direct: He said to me, “Will you return the book ? ”
Indirect: He asked me if 1 would return t’r.c book .
Direct . The teacher said to Kamal, “Why are you talking in the class ? ’’
Indirect The teacher asked Kamal, “ Why he was talking in the class.
Direct: The man said to me, “Please give me a glass of water’
Indirect. The man requested me. to give him a glass of water.
Direct: Father said to his son , “ Always speak the truth”
Indirect: Father advised his son to speak the truth always.
Direct: He said to me, “Go home at once”
Indirect: He ordered me to go home at once .
Direct: Sayed said to me, “Don’t do this”
Indirect Saved forbade me to do that.
Direct: I said to him, “Excuse me”
Indirect I begged him ie excuse.
Direct: The commander said, “Fire on”
Indirect: The commander commanded to ore on
Direct: He said to me , “ Let us go out for a walk”
Indirect He proposed that we should go out for a walk.
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
Direct: Father said to me, “May Allah bless you”
Indirect: Father wished me that Allah might bless me
Direct: We said, “ Long live our president”
Indirect: We wished that our president might live long.
Direct. Boys said, “Hurrah! We have won the game.”
Indirect: Boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the game.
Direct: She said, “What a nice bird it is!”
Indirect: She exclaimed with wonder that it was a very nice bird.
Direct: He said, “Alas! My mother is dead “
Indirect He exclaimed with sorrow that his mother was dead.
Linking word
কমা ও Inverted কমা উঠানোর জন্য আমরা নিমোক্ত linking word গুলো ব্যবহার করব।
Assertive | that |
Interrogative | if/wh word |
Imperative | to/not to/that |
Optative | that |
Exclamatory | that |
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
বিভিন্ন sentence এর Linking word এর ব্যাবহার গুলো নিম্নে দেয়া হল:
Example: Direct: He said, “ I write a letter”
Indirect: He said that he wrote a letter.
Direct: He said to me, “ I have done my duty ”
Indirect: He told me that he had done his duty.
Direct: He said to me, “ Will you return the book ? ”
Indirect: He asked me if 1 would return the book
Direct : The teacher Kamal, “ Why are you talking in the class’
Indirect : The teacher asked Kamal why he was talking in the class.
N.B: যদি Interrogative Sentence টি Auxiliary verb দ্বারা শুরু হয় তাহলে If আর যদি Wh Word দ্বারা শুরু হয় তাহলে সেই Wh Word টি Linking word হিসাবে বসবে।
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
Direct: The man said to me, “ Please give me a glass of water”
Indirect. Ihe man requested me to give him a glass of water.
Direct: Sayed said to me, “ Don’t tell a lie.
Indirect Sayed advised me not to tell a lie. “ Let us go out for a walk”
Indirect He proposed that we should go out tor ,, Walk.
Direct: Father said to me, “May Allah bless you’’
Indirect: Father wished me that Allah might bless me.
Direct: We said , “ Long live our president’’
Indirect: We wished that our president might live long.
Direct: Boys said ,“ Hurrah! We have won the game ”
Indirect. Boys exclaimed with jo\ that they had won the game.
Direct: She said, “ What a nice bird it is!”
Indirect: She exclaimed with wonder that it was a very nice bird.
Direct: He said, “ Alas! My mother is dead ”
Indirect He exclaimed with sorrow that his mother was dead.
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
৩য় অংশ
Person Change
I, me, my, we, us, our → (পরিবর্তন হবে subject অনুসারে) you, your (পরিবর্তন হবে object অনুসারে)
Subject 1 | Object 2 | Possessive 3 |
I | Me | My |
We | Us | Our |
He | Him | His |
She | Her | Her |
They | Them | Their |
You | You | Your |
Mamun | Mamun | Mamuns |
It | It | Its |
NB: 3rd person এর কোন পরিবর্তন নাই।
Direct: Rafiq said,“ I shall do the work”
Indirect: Rafiq said that he would do the work
Direct: Fatema said, “My pen is red”
Indirect: Fatema said that her pen was red.
Direct: He said, “ He likes me”
Indirect: He said that he liked him.
Direct: Mamun said, “ We play football”
Indirect’ Mamtin said that they played football.
Direct: They said. “ We have done our duty”
Indirect:They said that they had done their duty.
Direct: Maruf said to me, “You did the work”
Indirect: Maruf told me that I had done the work.
Direct: He said to Karim , “ I will beat you”
Indirect: He told Karim that he would beat him
Direct. He said to me , “ Your mother is ill”
Indirect: He said to me that my mother was ill
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
৪র্থ অংশ
Tense Change
Am, is, are | Was, were |
Was, Were | had been |
have, has | had |
Present from (go) | past from (went) |
Past from (go) | past from (went) |
Past from (went) | had +p.p.v (had gone) |
Did | had+p.p.v |
Shall/will | would |
Can | Could |
May | Might |
Must | had to |
Direct: Mamun said, ”1 am ill”
Indirect: Mamun said that he was ill
Fatema said, “My pen is red”
Indirect: Fatema said that her pen was red
Direct: Maruf said , “ They are student”
Indirect: Maruf said that they were student
Direct: They said, “We have done our duty”
Indirect: They said that they had done their duty
Direct: Mustakim said, “He has written a letter.’
Indirect: Mustakim said that he had WTitten a letter
Direct: He said, “I write a letter”
Indirect: He said that he wrote a letter
Direct: Maruf said to me, “You did the work”
Indirect: Maruf told me that I had done the work
Direct: Nuzat said, “I shall see the patient”
Indirect: Nuzat said that she would see the patient
Direct: He said to Faiza, “You will do the work’
Indirect: He said to Faiza that she would do the work
Direct: Diba said, “I can do the sum”
Indirect: Diba said that she could do the sum
Direct: She said, “I may go there.”
Indirect: She said that she might go there
Direct: He said, “I must do it”
Indirect: He said that he had to do it”
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
*** তবে must দ্বারা যদি চিরন্তন বাধ্যকতা বুঝায় তাহলে must এর কোনা পরিবর্তন নেই অন্য দিকে would, could, might, should, ought to এর কোন পরিবর্তন নেই।
Direct: The teacher said to the students, “ You must obey your parents ”
Indirect: The teacher told the students that they must obey their parents
Direct: Tareq said, “ I could do the sum” Indirect: Tareq said that he could do the sum.
Direct: Motin said, “ I might go to the function.” Indirect: Motin said that he might go to the function
Direct: Habib said to me , “ We should do our duty.” Indirect: Habib that we should do our duty.
N.B: We দ্বারা যদি Speaker I listener উভয়কে বুঝায়কে তাহলে We এর কোন পরিবর্তন নেই। আবার We দ্বারা যদি সমগ্র মানবজাতিকে বুঝায় তাহলেও We এর কোন পরিবর্তন নেই।
Direct: He said, “We are mortal.”
Indirect: He said that We are mortal.
Direct: Iqbal said, “You ought to obey your parents”
Indirect: Habib said that I ought to obey my parents.
*** চিরন্তন সত্য ও অভ্যাসগত কর্মের কোন পরিবর্তন নেই।
Direct: Mother said, “ The sun rises in the east”
Indirect: Mother said that the sun rises in the east.
Direct: Shamim said, “ 1 get up at 5 am”
Indirect: Shamim said that he gets up at 5 am.
Word change
This | that | Tomorrow | the next day |
These | those | Today | that day |
Here | there | The next day | the following day |
Now | then | Yesterday | the previous day |
The last week | the previous week | Yes | replied in the affirmative and said that |
Sir/madam | respectfully | No | replied in the negative and said that |
Direct: Mamun said, “I want this pen”
Indirect: Mamun said that lie wanted that pen
Direct: Fatema said, “1 don’t like these nonsense”
Indirect: Fatema said that she did not like those nonsense
Direct: He said, “I live here”
Indirect: He said that he lived there .
Direct: Mustakim said, “I will do the sum now.”
Indirect: Mustakim said that he would do the sum then
Direct: Nuzat said, “I shall see the patient tomorrow”
Indirect: Nuzat said that she would see the patient the next day.
Direct: He said, “I wrote a letter yesterday”
Indirect: He said that he had written a letter the previous day
Direct: He said, “I must do it today”
Indirect: He said that he had to do it that day
Direct: The officer said to the Director, “Sir, I need two days leave”
Indirect: The officer respectfully told the Director that he needed two days leave.
Direct: Maruf said, “Yes, I Shall go to madrasah.”
Indirect: Maruf replied in the affirmative and said that he would go to madrasah .
Direct: Diba said, “ No,I can do the sum ”
Indirect: Diba replied in the negative and said that she could do the sum.
Direct: Maruf said to me 1 did it last week”
Indirect: Maruf said to me he had done it the previous week.
Rules of Passage Narration
সমস্ত Passage টি পড়ে Speaker ও (শ্রোতা) listener এবং sentence গুলোর ক্রিয়ার ধরণ সনাক্ত করে নিতে হবে।
Reporting verb টি মাঝে বা শেষে থাকলেও Indirect করার সময় sentence শুরুতে নিয়ে আসতে হবে।
Narration এর সহজ নিয়ম | Narration Rules in Bangla
Direct: You look a little bit like my mother” Jerry said to the authoress, “Especially in the dark by the fire” Indirect: Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire.
- কোন বক্তার পর দুটি (Speech) থাকলে এবং তা যদি same kinds of sentence হয় তবে and + link দিয়ে যুক্ত করা যায়, speaker + reporting verb কে আবার লেখার দরকার হয় না। তবে ৩য় টিও যদি same kinds of sentence হয় তবে আবার Speaker + further/again + reporting verb দিয়ে শুরু করতে হবে।
Direct: He said, “ I can chop some wood today. 1 shall come again tomorrow. I always keep my words”
Indirect: He said that he could chop some wood that day and that he would come again the next day. He further said that he always kept his word.
- যদি ২য় বাক্যটি প্রথম বাক্যের কারণ প্রকাশ করে সেক্ষেত্রে শুধুমাত্র since/as w দিয়েও যুক্ত করা যায়। Gfv‡e Sentence এভাবে এর মধ্যের সম্পর্ক অনুসারে যে কোন linker বসানো যায়।
Direct “ I will not come tomorrow. I am ill” he said.
Indirect: He said that he would not come the next day as he was ill.
5.Direct narration এ কাউকে আহবান করা হলে Indirect narration এ শুরুতে Addressing বসাতে হয় ।
Direct : He said. “ Friends, help me”
Indirect: Addressing them as friends requested to help them.
বৃত্তি, শিক্ষা, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, চাকরী, বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি সহ সকল খবর সবার আগে পেতে আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটি নিয়মিত ভিজিট করুন।
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